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Expression of Interest

Expression of Interest

New school expression of interest to join the Aerospace Gateway to Industry Schools Program.

  • Interested Schools may submit their expression of interest which confirms the school’s capacity and commitment to the program and authorisation by the school principal for the school to participate. This form will be sent to the Aerospace Gateway to Industry Schools Project Team.
  • Name of the dedicated school contact during the EOI process
  • As an Aerospace Gateway to Industry School we will be able to:

    * Nominate a leadership team member as a primary contact between the school and the project Aerospace Gateway project team

    * Offer a dedicated aerospace senior subject by exploring the implementation of the QCAA general subject Aerospace Systems and aerospace-related Industry VET qualifications in your school’s curriculum plan

    * Offer other regular contextualised aerospace learning experiences with an established pathway for junior secondary.

    * Build and maintain a productive partnership with at least one local industry and support productive relationships with employers from industry.

    * Support student participation in GISP to Aerospace project coordinated activities

    * Support the release of the teacher/s related to the GISP for Aerospace project, to participate in the project’s annual two-day professional development conference.

    * Work collaboratively with the GISP project team, partnering industry and participating employers to ensure a strong industry focus to structured learning opportunities provided to participating students.

    * Encourage and support interested students to participate in opportunities to experience the industry and develop industry-related skills.

    * Encourage and support teachers to participate in opportunities to experience the industry, develop industry-related skills and maintain currency and competence.

    * Provide students and parents with access to industry-related information and career advice including post school options for further training and education and direct entry to the labour market.

    * Offer aerospace-related co-curricular activities with local feeder schools

    * Provide details of outcomes and highlights on the benefits GISP for Aerospace project has delivered to your school and teachers. This can be done in the way of the GISP event surveys and annual data collections.

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